Our Friend Dr. Stephen Usher, a patron of the Waldorf School here in Austin, asked us to help publicize the Play being presented this Saturday, November 3 at 7 PM at the Austin Waldorf School. 8700 South View Road. Performing Arts Center, Austin 78737

Here is what he has to say:

In the heightened drama of WW1 Germany, Rudolf Steiner, and Emil Molt, risk everything to fight for human rights. 100 years later do we still have a chance? This politically charged, historical drama takes on challenging questions still unanswered today. Join us.

The play follows Steiner and his relationship with famous entrepreneur Emil Molt. The two endeavor to stop the war by attempting to influence the Treaty of Versailles and the Reichstag in hopes that Steiner’s philosophies on social, economic, and legal reform would be accepted.