By Chuck Robison


All of us have grown up as Christians in a culture that wants us to think that God is mad at us, wants to punish us and that our problem is that we are sinners. The Church focuses on sin much more than Jesus ever did. The Christ mentions the words ‘sin’, ‘sinner’, ‘sinning’ about twenty-two times in all the Gospels.

Jesus came to help us, but somehow The Church discovered that convincing people of the disabling power of their sins was a very effective way to control them. This has been true since the Council of Nicaea 325 ad.

The result is that most of us harbor a suspicion of The Church. In our hearts we know the problem is not sin, but fear of accepting who we really are. We are powerful and eternal spiritual beings having a human experience.

The truth is that Jesus and all of his angels really want to help all of us, regardless
of our religious affiliation.

They know something that many of The Churches have forgotten: there are almost eight billion souls on The Earthship right now. Each soul has lived many lifetimes here with the express purpose of using each of these lifetimes to advance to a higher level of spiritual understanding and evolution. The ultimate goal is to fully learn all of those lessons so that the day will come, for each of us, to achieve enlightenment and to experience Cosmic Consciousness with God.

The wise understand each soul can take many lifetimes to complete this journey. The wise call this Spiritual Evolution and there is a target for our evolution. We are to all become the New Human and to understand Jesus as the first of billions of spiritually advanced new souls.

He is not here to judge, to condemn or to shame. He is here to smile lovingly at our spiritual successes. Jesus and all the angels want us to learn our lessons as quickly as possible, because, as we learn these lessons on our path of evolving into new humans, we experience greater and greater spiritual abilities and greater opportunities to enjoy God.

This is not a new idea. The Westminster Catechism, written and adopted in 1646, had as its’ first question: “What is the chief purpose and end of man?” And the answer? “The chief purpose and end of man is to worship God and to fully enjoy him forever.”

If you have an inkling that this is true, if you long to really know more about God, just ask. Ask your angels right now to guide you to the next step of your spiritual evolution. You have angels around you at all times, but the system says that you have to ask them for help. Once asked, these beings have the power to alter any situation in which we find ourselves. And they delight in helping us enrich our spiritual and earthly experience. As head of the angels and Lord of All, The Christ assures us He came that we might have Life and have it more abundantly.

All you have to do is ask. Try it. What if it really works?